Magnesium in PDB 8sxd: Campylobacter Jejuni Keto-Acid Reductoisomerase in Complex with Intermediate and Nadp+

Enzymatic activity of Campylobacter Jejuni Keto-Acid Reductoisomerase in Complex with Intermediate and Nadp+

All present enzymatic activity of Campylobacter Jejuni Keto-Acid Reductoisomerase in Complex with Intermediate and Nadp+:;

Protein crystallography data

The structure of Campylobacter Jejuni Keto-Acid Reductoisomerase in Complex with Intermediate and Nadp+, PDB code: 8sxd was solved by X.Lin, T.Lonhienne, L.W.Guddat, with X-Ray Crystallography technique. A brief refinement statistics is given in the table below:

Resolution Low / High (Å) 37.74 / 2.59
Space group I 2 3
Cell size a, b, c (Å), α, β, γ (°) 130.72, 130.72, 130.72, 90, 90, 90
R / Rfree (%) 19.1 / 24.5

Other elements in 8sxd:

The structure of Campylobacter Jejuni Keto-Acid Reductoisomerase in Complex with Intermediate and Nadp+ also contains other interesting chemical elements:

Chlorine (Cl) 1 atom

Magnesium Binding Sites:

The binding sites of Magnesium atom in the Campylobacter Jejuni Keto-Acid Reductoisomerase in Complex with Intermediate and Nadp+ (pdb code 8sxd). This binding sites where shown within 5.0 Angstroms radius around Magnesium atom.
In total 2 binding sites of Magnesium where determined in the Campylobacter Jejuni Keto-Acid Reductoisomerase in Complex with Intermediate and Nadp+, PDB code: 8sxd:
Jump to Magnesium binding site number: 1; 2;

Magnesium binding site 1 out of 2 in 8sxd

Go back to Magnesium Binding Sites List in 8sxd
Magnesium binding site 1 out of 2 in the Campylobacter Jejuni Keto-Acid Reductoisomerase in Complex with Intermediate and Nadp+

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Magnesium with other atoms in the Mg binding site number 1 of Campylobacter Jejuni Keto-Acid Reductoisomerase in Complex with Intermediate and Nadp+ within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

OD1 A:ASP192 2.0 67.3 1.0
O07 A:WXU401 2.6 76.7 1.0
CG A:ASP192 3.2 64.2 1.0
O09 A:WXU401 3.3 69.8 1.0
OE2 A:GLU196 3.8 69.6 1.0
C04 A:WXU401 3.9 80.9 1.0
OD2 A:ASP192 4.0 66.1 1.0
CB A:ASP192 4.1 59.8 1.0
CG A:GLU196 4.1 66.8 1.0
C02 A:WXU401 4.2 72.8 1.0
CA A:ASP192 4.3 58.4 1.0
MG A:MG403 4.3 72.0 1.0
O A:ASP192 4.3 61.9 1.0
CD1 A:LEU200 4.4 62.2 1.0
C05 A:WXU401 4.4 76.5 1.0
CD A:GLU196 4.5 67.0 1.0
C03 A:WXU401 4.6 75.7 0.9
C A:ASP192 4.7 59.9 1.0
NZ A:LYS132 4.8 70.2 1.0
C06 A:WXU401 5.0 81.0 1.0

Magnesium binding site 2 out of 2 in 8sxd

Go back to Magnesium Binding Sites List in 8sxd
Magnesium binding site 2 out of 2 in the Campylobacter Jejuni Keto-Acid Reductoisomerase in Complex with Intermediate and Nadp+

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Magnesium with other atoms in the Mg binding site number 2 of Campylobacter Jejuni Keto-Acid Reductoisomerase in Complex with Intermediate and Nadp+ within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

OE2 A:GLU196 1.9 69.6 1.0
O09 A:WXU401 1.9 69.8 1.0
O01 A:WXU401 2.0 71.6 1.0
OD2 A:ASP192 2.1 66.1 1.0
O A:HOH520 2.2 70.2 1.0
C02 A:WXU401 2.2 72.8 1.0
O A:HOH522 2.3 67.0 1.0
CG A:ASP192 3.0 64.2 1.0
CD A:GLU196 3.0 67.0 1.0
OD1 A:ASP192 3.1 67.3 1.0
OE1 A:GLU196 3.5 63.4 1.0
C03 A:WXU401 3.6 75.7 0.9
CG A:GLU196 4.2 66.8 1.0
MG A:MG402 4.3 70.2 1.0
O07 A:WXU401 4.3 76.7 1.0
CB A:ASP192 4.4 59.8 1.0
O08 A:WXU401 4.4 78.2 1.0
C04 A:WXU401 4.5 80.9 1.0
O A:HOH519 4.6 76.2 1.0
CE1 A:HIS109 4.6 64.8 1.0
NE2 A:HIS109 4.8 65.2 1.0
C05 A:WXU401 4.9 76.5 1.0


X.Lin, T.Lonhienne, Y.Lv, J.Kurz, R.Mcgeary, G.Schenk, L.W.Guddat. Mapping of the Reaction Trajectory Catalyzed By Class I Ketol-Acid Reductoisomerase Acs Catalysis 2024.
ISSN: ESSN 2155-5435
DOI: 10.1021/ACSCATAL.4C00958
Page generated: Fri Oct 4 20:15:58 2024

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