Magnesium in PDB 9az4: INF2 at the Barbed End of F-Actin

Magnesium Binding Sites:

The binding sites of Magnesium atom in the INF2 at the Barbed End of F-Actin (pdb code 9az4). This binding sites where shown within 5.0 Angstroms radius around Magnesium atom.
In total 6 binding sites of Magnesium where determined in the INF2 at the Barbed End of F-Actin, PDB code: 9az4:
Jump to Magnesium binding site number: 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6;

Magnesium binding site 1 out of 6 in 9az4

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Magnesium binding site 1 out of 6 in the INF2 at the Barbed End of F-Actin

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Magnesium with other atoms in the Mg binding site number 1 of INF2 at the Barbed End of F-Actin within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

O1A A:ADP401 2.1 120.7 1.0
O1B A:ADP401 2.1 123.2 1.0
O3A A:ADP401 2.2 122.3 1.0
PB A:ADP401 2.4 125.6 1.0
O3B A:ADP401 2.6 123.8 1.0
PA A:ADP401 2.6 120.9 1.0
CA A:GLY156 3.3 115.6 1.0
O2A A:ADP401 3.7 122.5 1.0
O5' A:ADP401 3.8 120.5 1.0
N A:ASP157 3.8 125.6 1.0
O2B A:ADP401 3.9 124.6 1.0
C A:GLY156 4.0 115.6 1.0
NZ A:LYS18 4.2 127.6 1.0
N A:GLY156 4.5 115.2 1.0
CA A:GLY13 4.5 139.1 1.0
N A:SER14 4.8 127.8 1.0
CE A:LYS18 4.8 126.7 1.0
C5' A:ADP401 5.0 121.3 1.0

Magnesium binding site 2 out of 6 in 9az4

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Magnesium binding site 2 out of 6 in the INF2 at the Barbed End of F-Actin

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Magnesium with other atoms in the Mg binding site number 2 of INF2 at the Barbed End of F-Actin within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

O1A B:ADP401 2.1 164.3 1.0
O3A B:ADP401 2.2 165.3 1.0
O1B B:ADP401 2.3 164.8 1.0
PB B:ADP401 2.4 166.0 1.0
O3B B:ADP401 2.4 164.4 1.0
PA B:ADP401 2.6 165.1 1.0
CA B:GLY156 3.2 128.0 1.0
N B:ASP157 3.7 134.0 1.0
O2A B:ADP401 3.7 165.7 1.0
O5' B:ADP401 3.7 165.3 1.0
C5' B:ADP401 3.7 164.9 1.0
C B:GLY156 3.8 127.8 1.0
O2B B:ADP401 3.9 163.9 1.0
N B:GLY156 4.4 127.2 1.0
NZ B:LYS18 4.5 126.0 1.0
CA B:GLY13 4.7 139.3 1.0
CA B:ASP157 4.9 134.4 1.0
N B:SER14 4.9 137.8 1.0
O B:GLY156 4.9 127.2 1.0
CE B:LYS18 4.9 125.3 1.0
CB B:ASP157 4.9 136.1 1.0

Magnesium binding site 3 out of 6 in 9az4

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Magnesium binding site 3 out of 6 in the INF2 at the Barbed End of F-Actin

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Magnesium with other atoms in the Mg binding site number 3 of INF2 at the Barbed End of F-Actin within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

O3B C:ADP401 2.1 129.8 1.0
O1B C:ADP401 2.4 130.7 1.0
PB C:ADP401 2.5 131.2 1.0
O3A C:ADP401 2.8 130.3 1.0
OE1 C:GLN137 3.7 143.8 1.0
OD2 C:ASP11 3.7 147.8 1.0
OD1 C:ASP154 3.7 137.5 1.0
O2B C:ADP401 4.0 130.2 1.0
PA C:ADP401 4.0 128.9 1.0
O1A C:ADP401 4.1 129.4 1.0
OD2 C:ASP154 4.1 138.0 1.0
CG2 C:VAL339 4.3 116.7 1.0
CG C:ASP154 4.3 137.8 1.0
CA C:GLY301 4.6 122.5 1.0
CG C:ASP11 4.6 147.9 1.0
CE C:LYS18 4.7 126.8 1.0
CD C:GLN137 4.7 143.6 1.0
CA C:GLY156 4.7 129.5 1.0
O2A C:ADP401 4.7 128.8 1.0
CB C:VAL339 4.8 116.8 1.0
OD1 C:ASP11 4.8 148.4 1.0

Magnesium binding site 4 out of 6 in 9az4

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Magnesium binding site 4 out of 6 in the INF2 at the Barbed End of F-Actin

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Magnesium with other atoms in the Mg binding site number 4 of INF2 at the Barbed End of F-Actin within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

O3A D:ADP401 2.1 124.0 1.0
O1A D:ADP401 2.1 120.4 1.0
O3B D:ADP401 2.3 123.7 1.0
PB D:ADP401 2.4 128.2 1.0
O1B D:ADP401 2.5 124.3 1.0
PA D:ADP401 2.6 122.1 1.0
CA D:GLY156 2.9 126.9 1.0
N D:ASP157 3.3 130.2 1.0
C D:GLY156 3.5 126.3 1.0
O5' D:ADP401 3.6 122.0 1.0
O2A D:ADP401 3.8 122.4 1.0
O2B D:ADP401 3.9 122.5 1.0
N D:GLY156 4.2 127.0 1.0
CA D:GLY13 4.5 118.3 1.0
N D:SER14 4.5 126.1 1.0
NZ D:LYS18 4.6 119.0 1.0
CA D:ASP157 4.6 130.8 1.0
O D:GLY156 4.6 126.2 1.0
C5' D:ADP401 4.6 122.1 1.0
CB D:ASP157 4.7 131.6 1.0
N D:GLY15 4.9 125.2 1.0
C D:GLY13 5.0 118.8 1.0

Magnesium binding site 5 out of 6 in 9az4

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Magnesium binding site 5 out of 6 in the INF2 at the Barbed End of F-Actin

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Magnesium with other atoms in the Mg binding site number 5 of INF2 at the Barbed End of F-Actin within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

O1B E:ADP401 2.1 138.8 1.0
O3B E:ADP401 2.2 138.7 1.0
PB E:ADP401 2.4 139.8 1.0
O3A E:ADP401 2.9 137.9 1.0
OE1 E:GLN137 3.5 143.0 1.0
O1A E:ADP401 3.8 137.7 1.0
PA E:ADP401 3.9 137.1 1.0
CA E:GLY156 3.9 127.5 1.0
O2B E:ADP401 3.9 138.1 1.0
OD2 E:ASP154 4.0 140.2 1.0
OD2 E:ASP11 4.3 157.1 1.0
OD1 E:ASP154 4.5 140.2 1.0
O2A E:ADP401 4.5 137.8 1.0
CD E:GLN137 4.7 143.6 1.0
CG E:ASP154 4.7 140.3 1.0
N E:GLY156 4.8 127.9 1.0
CA E:GLY13 4.8 138.3 1.0
OD1 E:ASP11 4.9 157.9 1.0
C E:GLY156 5.0 127.9 1.0

Magnesium binding site 6 out of 6 in 9az4

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Magnesium binding site 6 out of 6 in the INF2 at the Barbed End of F-Actin

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Magnesium with other atoms in the Mg binding site number 6 of INF2 at the Barbed End of F-Actin within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

O1B F:ADP401 2.1 166.2 1.0
O3A F:ADP401 2.1 166.7 1.0
PB F:ADP401 2.6 168.8 1.0
PA F:ADP401 3.0 165.9 1.0
O1A F:ADP401 3.2 166.0 1.0
O3B F:ADP401 3.6 167.6 1.0
O2A F:ADP401 3.6 165.3 1.0
OD2 F:ASP11 3.7 184.3 1.0
CA F:GLY13 3.7 174.4 1.0
O2B F:ADP401 3.8 168.3 1.0
NZ F:LYS18 3.9 167.5 1.0
O5' F:ADP401 4.4 166.1 1.0
CE F:LYS18 4.4 166.9 1.0
N F:SER14 4.5 181.1 1.0
CG F:ASP11 4.5 184.7 1.0
C F:GLY13 4.6 174.6 1.0
NE2 F:GLN137 4.7 192.7 1.0
N F:GLY13 4.7 175.1 1.0
OD1 F:ASP11 4.7 185.2 1.0
OE1 F:GLN137 4.7 193.1 1.0
CA F:GLY156 4.8 187.5 1.0
CD F:GLN137 4.9 193.0 1.0
N F:GLY15 5.0 178.7 1.0
O F:LEU16 5.0 159.7 1.0


N.J.Palmer, K.R.Barrie, R.Dominguez. Mechanisms of Actin Filament Severing and Elongation By Formins To Be Published.
Page generated: Sat Oct 5 08:44:14 2024

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