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Acid Magnesium Phosphates, MgHPO4

MgHPO4.14H2O separates from cold, dilute mixed solutions of magnesium sulphate and sodium phosphate in insoluble, tasteless, silky needles. The disodium salt precipitates it from magnesium acetate solution; it also precipitates an acid phosphate from magnesium sulphate,. which has been said to be the pentahydrate. Crystalline MgHPO4.9H2O has been obtained by digesting phosphoric acid in the cold with magnesium carbonate.

MgHPO4.14H2O becomes the hexahydrate at 100° C., and, at ordinary temperatures, dries gradually into a mixture of the hexa- and tri-hydrate, The trihydrate is said to be the stable salt in equilibrium with relatively dilute solutions of phosphoric acid.

A dihydrate has been said to result when ammonium magnesium phosphate is heated with alcohol -


A monohydrate was obtained by heating a solution of magnesium carbonate in excess of phosphoric acid at 225° C. in sealed tubes. Its microscopic, hexagonal, lamellated crystals dissolve in dilute acids and do not change at 100° C.

Hot water decomposes the hexahydrate into insoluble Mg3(PO4)2.5H2O and soluble Mg(H2PO4). The dihydrate of the latter is obtained by heating magnesia on the water-bath with concentrated phosphoric acid, and cooling. It dissolves readily in water without decomposition.

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