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Magnesium Borates

Only two borates can be prepared by heating magnesia with boron trioxide. The orthoborate, Mg3(BO3)2, is obtained by heating boric anhydride strongly with boron trioxide - with or without potassium hydrogen fluoride. The crystals are nacreous, difficultly fusible, with a density of 2.987 at 21° C., or transparent prisms. Boiling water and dilute acetic acid do not dissolve them, but they are soluble in mineral acids. Magnesium pyroborate, 2MgO.B2O3, results with a larger excess of boron trioxide.

Rammelsberg prepared the hydrated orthoborate, B2O3.3MgO.9H2O, and, by crystallising from a filtered solution of magnesium hydroxide in excess of boric acid solution, the compound MgO.3B2O3.8H2O. The heptahydrate has been obtained similarly to the octahydrate. The hydrated metaborate, MgO.B2O3.8H2O, separates as a white amorphous precipitate on warming mixed solutions of magnesium chloride and borax. Small crystals of 3MgO.4B2O3.11H2O were obtained from the filtrate. Fine needles of MgO.B2O3.3H2O, corresponding to the mineral pinnoite, are obtained by heating the octahydrate with a warm concentrated solution of magnesium chloride. When a solution of magnesium oxide in boric acid is concentrated and kept stirred at 100° C. after the addition of a solution containing potassium hydroxide and boric acid, KMg2B11O19.9H2O finally separates. It corresponds to the mineral kaliborite.

Boracite, 2Mg3B8O15.MgCl2, results from heating a mixture of magnesium borate, boric acid, magnesium chloride, and sodium chloride, or from heating 1 part of sodium borate with 2 parts of magnesium chloride and a little water in sealed tubes at 275°-280° C. The cubic crystals of artificial boracite have a density of 2.89: the density of the mineral is about 2.9. Boracite, pinnoite, and kaliborite occur in the Stassfurt deposits.

Pinnoite crystallises in the tetragonal system with a hardness of 3.4 and a density of 3.3.

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