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Double Carbonates of Magnesium

Knorre obtained octahedral crystals of Na2CO3MgCO3, belonging to the tetragonal system, by digesting precipitated magnesium carbonate with excess of sodium bicarbonate solution. The crystals are isometric and doubly refractive. De Schulten obtained flat rhombohedra, with a density of 2.729 at 15° C., by heating mixed solutions of magnesium nitrate and sodium carbonate in a closed flask at 100° C. Na2CO3 is said to precipitate Na2CO3.MgCO3.15H2O from magnesium sulphate solution at temperatures below 10° C. Knorre could not confirm Deville's quartz-like crystals obtained by digesting magnesia alba with sodium bicarbonate at 60°-70° C.

K2CO3.MgCO3.4H2O is produced in rhombic prisms by digesting MgCO3.3H2O with potassium bicarbonate solution, or by the action of excess of concentrated potassium carbonate solution on a solution of magnesium chloride. Cold water slowly decomposes it into MgCO3.3H2O, and hot water into magnesia alba.

KCO3.MgCO3.4H2O separates from the reaction

3(MgCO3.3H2O)+2KCl+CO2 = 2(KCO3.MgCO3.4H2O)+MgCl2

in triclinic crystals, which have a density of 1.984 and do not alter in air. Potassium carbonate is obtained from the double salt by extracting with water after ignition or under pressure at 140° C. It was first prepared by the reaction

MgCl2+3KCO3+3H2O = KCO3.MgCO3.4H2O+2KCl+CO2.

The double salt crystallises out slowly in snow-white crystals. MgCO3.3H2O precipitates sometimes in this reaction and at other times succeeds the double salt. The proportionate concentrations of KCO3 and MgCl2 determine precipitation. The reversible reaction


is related to these observations, and indicates that the double salt can be prepared by acting with potassium bicarbonate on MgCO3.3H2O suspended in water.

Efflorescent crystals of RbHCO3.MgCO3.4H2O were obtained by warming a solution of rubidium bicarbonate with magnesium carbonate in a current of carbon dioxide at 60° C.

(NH4)2CO3.MgCO3.4H2O was obtained in rectangular prisms by the action of ammonium carbonate on magnesia or magnesium carbonate suspended in water. Deville obtained unstable (NH4)HCO3.MgCO3.4H2O by acting on magnesium salts with a large excess of ammonium bicarbonate, and at a low temperature unstable 2(NH4HCO3.MgCO)3.11H2O. The former loses ammonia, water, and carbon dioxide in the air, and is decomposed by water with the formation of MgCO3.3H2O. Engel only obtained (NH4)2CO3.MgCO3.4H2O by saturating a mixture of ammonium and magnesium bicarbonates with carbon dioxide in the absence of air. (NH4)2CO3.MgCO3.6H2O precipitates from a magnesium salt and normal ammonium carbonate when the solution contains half its volume of alcohol.

Dolomite, MgCO3.CaCO3, is widely distributed in nature. One thousand parts of water at 18° C., charged with carbon dioxide at 750 mm., dissolve 0.310 parts of normal dolomite, but the solubility in carbonated water varies with the condition of the mineral. Strong acids dissolve it, and its resistance to attack by dilute acids seems to increase with its iron content. When heated to 400° C. and treated with water it acts like a cement, though the loss of carbon dioxide is said to begin at 500° C.

Artificial dolomite has been prepared by the action of magnesium chloride and sodium carbonate solutions on calcium carbonate (vaterite) at 180°-200° C. in carbon dioxide at 50 atmospheres, and by many other methods.

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