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Magnesium Molybdate, MgMoO4

Magnesium Molybdate, MgMoO4.7H2O, is obtained in slender, glancing prisms, which resemble Epsom salts, by crystallisation after heating magnesia with molybdic acid and water. It is unstable in air, easily soluble in water, and dehydrates without melting when heated. The pentahydrate separates from more concentrated solutions; it becomes the dihydrate at 100° C. Some complex molybdates,1 and the double molybdates K2MoO4.MgMoO4.2H2O and (NH4)2MoO4.MgMoO4.2H2O, have been described.

MgMoO4 occurs naturally as belonesite in colourless, white, tetragonal crystals.

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