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Magnesium Selenite, MgSeO3

Cubic crystals of MgSeO3.6H2O separate on adding sodium carbonate solution to a solution of a magnesium salt and selenious acid. It is insoluble in water, soluble in acids (including selenious acid), forms a monohydrate at 100° C., becomes anhydrous between 150° C. and 200° C., and leaves a residue of magnesia at higher temperatures. When treated with water under pressure at 150° C. it transforms into a rhombic dihydrate, which has similar properties to the hexahydrate. A heptahydrate has been precipitated from selenite and magnesium-salt solutions by ammonia, and Berzelius described a trihydrate from the neutralisation of selenious acid with magnesium carbonate.

The acid salts MgSeO3.H2SeO3.3H2O and MgSeO3.2H2SeO3.3H2O were obtained by evaporating solutions containing MgO and SeO2 in suitable proportions, and rhombohedral MgO.2SeO2 by heating a solution of the neutral salt in selenious acid under pressure at 200° C. The last is also insoluble in water and soluble in acids.

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