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Magnesium Thioarsenic Salts

A suspension of arsenic tri- sulphide in water is decolorised by the addition of magnesia - soluble magnesium thioarsenite and insoluble magnesium hydrogen arsenite being formed -

2As2S3+5MgO+H2O = Mg3(AsS3)2+2MgHAsO3.

On boiling the solution of magnesium thioarsenite, decomposition occurs according to the equation -

Mg3(AsS3)2+7H2O = 2MgHAsO3+6H2S+MgO.

Nilson obtained a brown mass of MgS.As2S3.5H2O by evaporating a solution of arsenic trisulphide in calcium hydrosulphide. He also obtained 2MgS.As2S3.8H2O as a yellow crystalline difficultly soluble salt, 3MgS.As2S3.9H2O as a pure yellow crystalline salt, and 5MgS.2As2S3.3OH2O as a yellow crystalline salt.

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