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Magnesium Vanadates

MgO.2V2O5.8H2O is obtained as a sparingly soluble yellow salt, decomposed by hot water with separation of vanadic acid, by interaction between ammonium divanadate and magnesium chloride. Red and brown varieties of 3MgO.5V2O5.28H2O were prepared by treating the product of the action of amorphous vanadic acid on magnesia alba and water with acetic acid. This dimorphous salt crystallises in the triclinic system. Manasse obtained it by diluting the concentrated solution of the normal vanadate, MgO.V2O5.6H2O, with acetic acid. Small, radiating, colourless prismatic crystals of the normal salt were obtained by boiling vanadic acid with magnesia alba and water, evaporating and crystallising. A yellowish-red crystalline crust of 4MgO.6V2O5.19H2O settles out of a hot solution containing potassium divanadate and excess of magnesium sulphate. It loses its water at 200° C.

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