Magnesium in PDB, part 340 (files: 13561-13600),
PDB 6aad-6ak7
Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Magnesium (Mg) in bioorganic
molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius
around Magnesium atoms. PDB files: 13561-13600 (PDB 6aad-6ak7).
6aad (Mg: 3) - Crystal Structure of Methanosarcina Mazei Pylrs(Y306A/Y384F) Complexed with Mtmdzlys
Other atoms:
F (3);
K (2);
6aan (Mg: 3) - Crystal Structure of Methanosarcina Mazei Pylrs(Y306A/Y384F) Complexed with Metzlys
Other atoms:
K (2);
6aao (Mg: 3) - Crystal Structure of Methanosarcina Mazei Pylrs(Y306A/Y384F) Complexed with Tco*Lys
Other atoms:
K (2);
6aap (Mg: 3) - Crystal Structure of Methanosarcina Mazei Pylrs(Y306A/Y384F) Complexed with Zaesecys
6aaq (Mg: 3) - Crystal Structure of Methanosarcina Mazei Pylrs(Y306A/Y384F) Complexed with Bcnlys
Other atoms:
K (3);
6aaz (Mg: 3) - Crystal Structure of Methanosarcina Mazei Pylrs(Y306A/Y384F) Complexed with PNO2ZLYS
Other atoms:
K (3);
6ab0 (Mg: 3) - Crystal Structure of Methanosarcina Mazei Pylrs(Y306A/Y384F) Complexed with Pampylys
Other atoms:
K (3);
6ab1 (Mg: 3) - Crystal Structure of Methanosarcina Mazei Pylrs(Y306A/Y384F) Complexed with Oazzlys
Other atoms:
K (2);
6ab2 (Mg: 3) - Crystal Structure of Methanosarcina Mazei Pylrs(Y306A/Y384F) Complexed with Oclzlys
Other atoms:
K (2);
Cl (2);
6ab8 (Mg: 3) - Crystal Structure of Methanosarcina Mazei Pylrs(Y306A/Y384F) Complexed with Zlys
Other atoms:
K (2);
6abk (Mg: 3) - Crystal Structure of Methanosarcina Mazei Pylrs(Y306A/Y384F) Complexed with Teoclys
Other atoms:
Si (3);
6abl (Mg: 3) - Crystal Structure of Methanosarcina Mazei Pylrs(Y306A/Y384F) Complexed with Obrzlys
Other atoms:
Br (2);
6abm (Mg: 3) - Crystal Structure of Methanosarcina Mazei Pylrs(Y306A/Y384F) Complexed with Ptmdzlys
Other atoms:
F (3);
K (2);
6ac9 (Mg: 4) - Crystal Structure of Human Vaccinia-Related Kinase 1 (VRK1) in Complex with Amp-Pnp
Other atoms:
Cl (4);
6acb (Mg: 1) - Crystal Structure of PDE5 in Complex with Inhibitor LW1805
Other atoms:
F (1);
Zn (1);
6adg (Mg: 2) - Crystal Structures of IDH1 R132H in Complex with Ag-881
Other atoms:
F (18);
Cl (3);
6adl (Mg: 1) - Anthrax Toxin Receptor 1-Bound Spent Particles of Seneca Valley Virus in Acidic Conditions
6adm (Mg: 1) - Anthrax Toxin Receptor 1-Bound Full Particles of Seneca Valley Virus in Acidic Conditions
6adr (Mg: 1) - Anthrax Toxin Receptor 1-Bound the Seneca Valley Virus in Neutral Conditions
6adu (Mg: 1) - Crystal Structure of An Enzyme in Complex with Ligand C
Other atoms:
Ca (8);
6ae9 (Mg: 6) - X-Ray Structure of the Photosystem II Phosphatase Pbcp
Other atoms:
Mn (2);
6afs (Mg: 10) - Proton Pyrophosphatase - Two Phosphates-Bound
Other atoms:
K (2);
6aft (Mg: 10) - Proton Pyrophosphatase - E301Q
Other atoms:
K (2);
6afu (Mg: 10) - Proton Pyrophosphatase-L555M Mutant
Other atoms:
K (2);
6afv (Mg: 10) - Proton Pyrophosphatase-L555K Mutant
Other atoms:
K (2);
6afw (Mg: 10) - Proton Pyrophosphatase-T228D Mutant
Other atoms:
K (2);
6afx (Mg: 10) - Proton Pyrophosphatase - E225A
Other atoms:
K (2);
6afy (Mg: 10) - Proton Pyrophosphatase-E225S Mutant
Other atoms:
K (2);
6afz (Mg: 10) - Proton Pyrophosphatase-E225H Mutant
Other atoms:
K (2);
6agg (Mg: 2) - Crystal Structure of Agmatine-Amppcp-Mg Complexed Tias (TRNAILE2 Agmatidine Synthetase)
Other atoms:
Zn (1);
6agk (Mg: 3) - The Structure of Ch-II-77-Tubulin Complex
Other atoms:
Ca (3);
6agp (Mg: 20) - Structure of RAC1 in the Low-Affinity State For MG2+
6ah0 (Mg: 1) - The Cryo-Em Structure of the Precusor of Human Pre-Catalytic Spliceosome (Pre-B Complex)
6ah3 (Mg: 2) - Cryo-Em Structure of Yeast Ribonuclease P with Pre-Trna Substrate
Other atoms:
Zn (1);
6ah5 (Mg: 3) - Structure of Human P2X3 Receptor in Complex with Atp and MG2+ Ion
6ai5 (Mg: 4) - Disulfide-Free, Zn-Directed Tetramer of the Engineered Cyt CB562 Variant, C96T/A104AB3
Other atoms:
Zn (8);
Fe (4);
Cl (5);
6ai6 (Mg: 3) - Crystal Structure of SPCAS9-Ng
Other atoms:
K (10);
6aix (Mg: 2) - Crystal Structure of Dxo in Complex with Adenosine 3', 5' Bisphosphate and Two Magnesium Ions
6aiy (Mg: 2) - Crystal Structure of Dxo (E234A Mutant) in Complex with Adenosine 3', 5' Bisphosphate and Two Magnesium Ions
6ak7 (Mg: 4) - Crystal Structure of PPM1K-N94K
Page generated: Sat Feb 15 17:37:22 2025