Atomistry » Magnesium » PDB 1ueu-1v5f
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Magnesium in PDB, part 43 (files: 1681-1720), PDB 1ueu-1v5f

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Magnesium (Mg) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Magnesium atoms. PDB files: 1681-1720 (PDB 1ueu-1v5f).
  1. 1ueu (Mg: 2) - Divergent Evolutions of Trinucleotide Polymerization Revealed By An Archaeal Cca-Adding Enzyme Structure
  2. 1uev (Mg: 1) - Divergent Evolutions of Trinucleotide Polymerization Revealed By An Archaeal Cca-Adding Enzyme Structure
    Other atoms: Ca (3);
  3. 1uho (Mg: 1) - Crystal Structure of Human Phosphodiesterase 5 Complexed with Vardenafil(Levitra)
    Other atoms: Zn (1);
  4. 1uhx (Mg: 1) - Crystal Structure of D(Gcgagagc): the Base-Intercalated Duplex
    Other atoms: Co (1); Br (1); Cl (1); Na (1);
  5. 1uik (Mg: 3) - Crystal Structure of Soybean Beta-Conglycinin Alpha Prime Homotrimer
  6. 1uj2 (Mg: 2) - Crystal Structure of Human Uridine-Cytidine Kinase 2 Complexed with Products, Cmp and Adp
  7. 1uke (Mg: 1) - Ump/Cmp Kinase From Slime Mold
  8. 1ukv (Mg: 1) - Structure of Rabgdp-Dissociation Inhibitor in Complex with Prenylated YPT1 Gtpase
  9. 1ul1 (Mg: 4) - Crystal Structure of the Human FEN1-Pcna Complex
  10. 1umb (Mg: 2) - Branched-Chain 2-Oxo Acid Dehydrogenase (E1) From Thermus Thermophilus HB8 in Holo-Form
  11. 1umc (Mg: 2) - Branched-Chain 2-Oxo Acid Dehydrogenase (E1) From Thermus Thermophilus HB8 with 4-Methylpentanoate
  12. 1umd (Mg: 2) - Branched-Chain 2-Oxo Acid Dehydrogenase (E1) From Thermus Thermophilus HB8 with 4-Methyl-2-Oxopentanoate As An Intermediate
  13. 1umg (Mg: 4) - Crystal Strucure of Fructose-1,6-Bisphosphatase
  14. 1umx (Mg: 4) - Photosynthetic Reaction Center Mutant with Arg M267 Replaced with Leu (Chain M, R267L)
    Other atoms: Fe (1);
  15. 1un6 (Mg: 13) - The Crystal Structure of A Zinc Finger - Rna Complex Reveals Two Modes of Molecular Recognition
    Other atoms: Zn (8);
  16. 1un9 (Mg: 4) - Crystal Structure of the Dihydroxyacetone Kinase From C. Freundii in Complex with Amp-Pnp and MG2+
  17. 1upa (Mg: 4) - Carboxyethylarginine Synthase From Streptomyces Clavuligerus (Semet Structure)
  18. 1upb (Mg: 4) - Carboxyethylarginine Synthase From Streptomyces Clavuligerus
  19. 1upc (Mg: 6) - Carboxyethylarginine Synthase From Streptomyces Clavuligerus
  20. 1upt (Mg: 4) - Structure of A Complex of the Golgin-245 Grip Domain with ARL1
  21. 1uqy (Mg: 1) - Xylanase XYN10B Mutant (E262S) From Cellvibrio Mixtus in Complex with Xylopentaose
  22. 1uqz (Mg: 1) - Xylanase XYN10B Mutant (E262S) From Cellvibrio Mixtus in Complex with 4-O-Methyl Glucuronic Acid
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  23. 1ur1 (Mg: 1) - Xylanase XYN10B Mutant (E262S) From Cellvibrio Mixtus in Complex with Arabinofuranose Alpha-1,3 Linked to Xylobiose
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  24. 1ur2 (Mg: 1) - Xylanase XYN10B Mutant (E262S) From Cellvibrio Mixtus in Complex with Arabinofuranose Alpha 1,3 Linked to Xylotriose
    Other atoms: Cl (2);
  25. 1urb (Mg: 2) - Alkaline Phosphatase (N51MG)
    Other atoms: Zn (2);
  26. 1uut (Mg: 4) - The Nuclease Domain of Adeno-Associated Virus Rep Complexed with the Rbe' Stemloop of the Viral Inverted Terminal Repeat
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  27. 1uvk (Mg: 6) - The Structural Basis For Rna Specificity and CA2 Inhibition of An Rna-Dependent Rna Polymerase PHI6P2 Dead-End Complex
    Other atoms: Mn (3);
  28. 1uw9 (Mg: 8) - L290F-A222T Chlamydomonas Rubisco Mutant
  29. 1uwa (Mg: 8) - L290F Mutant Rubisco From Chlamydomonas
  30. 1uzd (Mg: 8) - Chlamydomonas,Spinach Chimeric Rubisco
  31. 1uzh (Mg: 8) - A Chimeric Chlamydomonas, Synechococcus Rubisco Enzyme
  32. 1v0d (Mg: 1) - Crystal Structure of Caspase-Activated Dnase (Cad)
    Other atoms: Pb (1); Zn (1);
  33. 1v14 (Mg: 6) - Crystal Structure of the Colicin E9, Mutant HIS103ALA, in Complex with Mg+2 and Dsdna (Resolution 2.9A)
  34. 1v25 (Mg: 2) - Crystal Structure of TT0168 From Thermus Thermophilus HB8
  35. 1v26 (Mg: 2) - Crystal Structure of TT0168 From Thermus Thermophilus HB8
  36. 1v40 (Mg: 2) - First Inhibitor Complex Structure of Human Hematopoietic Prostaglandin D Synthase
  37. 1v48 (Mg: 1) - Calf Spleen Purine Nucleoside Phosphorylase (Pnp) Binary Complex with 9-(5,5-Difluoro-5-Phosphonopenthyl)Guanine
    Other atoms: F (2); Zn (1);
  38. 1v54 (Mg: 2) - Bovine Heart Cytochrome C Oxidase at the Fully Oxidized State
    Other atoms: Zn (2); Fe (4); Cu (6); Na (2);
  39. 1v55 (Mg: 2) - Bovine Heart Cytochrome C Oxidase at the Fully Reduced State
    Other atoms: Zn (2); Fe (4); Cu (6); Na (2);
  40. 1v5f (Mg: 1) - Crystal Structure of Pyruvate Oxidase Complexed with Fad and Tpp, From Aerococcus Viridans
Page generated: Sat Feb 15 17:25:58 2025

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