Magnesium in PDB, part 583 (files: 23281-23320),
PDB 9gmx-9iz2
Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Magnesium (Mg) in bioorganic
molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius
around Magnesium atoms. PDB files: 23281-23320 (PDB 9gmx-9iz2).
9gmx (Mg: 4) - SLFN11 Wt Dimer Bound to Trna-Leu-Taa (Post-Cleavage State)
Other atoms:
Zn (2);
Mn (2);
9gnq (Mg: 1) - Microtubule-Associated KIF5B Iak Tail Mutant Bound to Adp
9go5 (Mg: 5) - Cryoem Reconstruction of Yeast Adp-Actin Filament at 2.5 A Resolution.
9gob (Mg: 5) - Structure of the F-Tractin-F-Actin Complex
9gqo (Mg: 1) - Structure of A CA2+ Bound Phosphoenzyme Intermediate in the Inward-to- Outward Transition of CA2+-Atpase 1 From Listeria Monocytogenes
Other atoms:
Ca (1);
9gre (Mg: 8) - Cryo-Electron Microscopy Structure of Glucose/Xylose Isomerase From Streptomyces Rubiginosus with Magnesium Ions in the Active Site
9gup (Mg: 86) - 30S Mrna Delivery Complex (Open Head)
9guq (Mg: 128) - 30S Pic (Pre-Initiation Complex)
9gur (Mg: 1) - 30S Mrna Delivery Complex Tec Resolved (Tec Only)
Other atoms:
Zn (2);
9gus (Mg: 125) - 30S Mrna Delivery Complex Tec Resolved (30S Only)
9gut (Mg: 137) - 30S Mrna Delivery Complex (BS1 Resolved)
9guu (Mg: 120) - 30S Mrna Delivery Complex (Consensus)
9guv (Mg: 86) - 30S Mrna Delivery Complex (Closed-Head)
9guw (Mg: 118) - 30S-Tec (Tec in Expressome Position) Inactive State 2
Other atoms:
Zn (3);
9gux (Mg: 132) - 30S-Tec (Tec in Expressome Position) Inactive State 1
Other atoms:
Zn (2);
9gvk (Mg: 2) - Cryo-Em Structure of Endogenous Atp-Bound Lolcde with Lold-E171Q Mutations in Nanodiscs
9h5p (Mg: 1) - Crystal Structure of Thermoanaerobacterales Bacterium Monoamine Oxidase in Complex with Putrescine
9h5q (Mg: 3) - Crystal Structure of Thermoanaerobacterales Bacterium Monoamine Oxidase in Complex with Spermidine and Its Oxidation Products
9h5z (Mg: 2) - Crystal Structure of Thermoanaerobacterales Bacterium Monoamine Oxidase in Complex with Benzylamine
9hm9 (Mg: 5) - Structure of the Optimized F-Tractin in Complex with F-Actin
9icn (Mg: 1) - Dna Polymerase Beta (E.C. Complex + 2',3'- Dideoxycytidine-5'-Triphosphate, Soaked in the Presence of Ddctp and MGCL2
Other atoms:
Na (2);
9ij0 (Mg: 2) - Cryo-Em Structure of Mili-Pirna-Target (8-Nt)
9ij1 (Mg: 1) - Cryo-Em Structure of Mili-Pirna-Target (22-Nt, Bilobed)
9ij4 (Mg: 1) - Cryo-Em Structure of Mili(K852A)-Pirna-Target (26-Nt)
9ij5 (Mg: 1) - Cryo-Em Structure of Mili(K853A)-Pirna-Target
9ij6 (Mg: 5) - Crystal Structure of the Complex of Erythrose-4-Phosphate Dehydrogenase From Acinetobacter Baumannii with Adenosine Phosphate at 2.40 A Resolution.
9ikq (Mg: 2) - Crystal Structure of Optn Lzd in Complex with Gtp-Bound RAB8A(Q67L)
9imj (Mg: 1) - Bacteriophage T6 Topoisomerase II Atpase Domain Crystal Strcuture
9irp (Mg: 12) - Structure of Clpp From Staphylococcus Aureus in Complex with ZG297
Other atoms:
F (42);
9iuy (Mg: 32) - Cryo-Em Structure of Mouse Heavy-Chain Apoferritin Resolved at 1.51 Angstroms
Other atoms:
Fe (6);
K (24);
9iw3 (Mg: 1) - Cryo-Em Structure of Lactobacillus Casei Ddme Bound with Guide and Target
9ixc (Mg: 1) - Crystal Structure of Manganese-Rebound N(Omega)-Hydroxy-L-Arginine Hydrolase with Oxidized CYS86
Other atoms:
Mn (4);
9ixd (Mg: 2) - Crystal Structure of Copper-Bound N(Omega)-Hydroxy-L-Arginine Hydrolase with Oxidized CYS86
Other atoms:
Mn (2);
Cu (2);
9ixe (Mg: 1) - Crystal Structure of Copper-Bound N(Omega)-Hydroxy-L-Arginine Hydrolase Without Oxidized CYS86
Other atoms:
Mn (2);
Cu (3);
9ixf (Mg: 4) - Crystal Structure of Manganese-Free N(Omega)-Hydroxy-L-Arginine Hydrolase with Oxidized CYS86.
Other atoms:
Mn (1);
9ixg (Mg: 3) - Crystal Structure of Manganese-Free N(Omega)-Hydroxy-L-Arginine Hydrolase Without Oxidized CYS86
Other atoms:
Mn (1);
9ixm (Mg: 1) - Cryo-Em Structure of Lactobacillus Casei Ddmde Bound with Dna
9iy0 (Mg: 4) - Anti-Hev Mab 8H3
9iz1 (Mg: 16) - Dmctps Tetramer with Datp Dutp Dgtp and Don
9iz2 (Mg: 4) - Focus Refinement Dmctps Bound with Datp Dutp Dgtp and Don
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