Atomistry » Magnesium » PDB 9eoc-9fne
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Magnesium in PDB, part 583 (files: 23281-23320), PDB 9eoc-9fne

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Magnesium (Mg) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Magnesium atoms. PDB files: 23281-23320 (PDB 9eoc-9fne).
  1. 9eoc (Mg: 1) - Structure of the Integrator Arm Module Containing INTS10/13/14 Subunits
  2. 9epn (Mg: 2) - Crystal Structure of Hprs Histidine Kinase Cytoplasmic Fragment From Escherichia Coli
  3. 9erd (Mg: 2) - Human SLFN11 S753D Monomer
    Other atoms: Zn (1);
  4. 9ere (Mg: 4) - SLFN11 Dimer Bound to Trna-Leu-Taa
    Other atoms: Zn (2); Mn (3);
  5. 9erf (Mg: 3) - SLFN11 Dimer Bound to Trna-Met-Cat
    Other atoms: Mn (3); Zn (2);
  6. 9erv (Mg: 1) - Structure of Salmonella Caprel Bound to BAS11 GP54
    Other atoms: Na (1);
  7. 9es7 (Mg: 2) - Cryo-Em Structure of Spinacia Oleracea Cytochrome B6F Complex with Water Molecules at 1.94 A Resolution
    Other atoms: Fe (12);
  8. 9es9 (Mg: 2) - Cryo-Em Structure of Spinacia Oleracea Cytochrome B6F Complex with Inhibitor Dbmib Bound at Plastoquinol Oxidation Site
    Other atoms: Br (4); Fe (12);
  9. 9esh (Mg: 4) - Structure of A B-State Intermediate Committed to Discard (Bd-I State)
    Other atoms: Zn (6); K (1);
  10. 9esi (Mg: 4) - Structure of A B-State Intermediate Committed to Discard (Bd-II State)
    Other atoms: Zn (6); K (1);
  11. 9etk (Mg: 2) - Crystal Structure of Vibrio Cholerae Rnase Am
    Other atoms: Mn (1);
  12. 9etz (Mg: 1) - III2IV Respiratory Supercomplex From Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
    Other atoms: Cu (3); Zn (1); Fe (12); Ca (1);
  13. 9euq (Mg: 1) - Cryoem Structure of LMCA1 in E2P State
    Other atoms: F (3);
  14. 9ev3 (Mg: 1) - Corynebacterium Glutamicum Pyruvate:Quinone Oxidoreductase (Pqo) Purified From Bacteria Grown in Acetate Minimal Medium
  15. 9ev5 (Mg: 4) - Corynebacterium Glutamicum CS176 Pyruvate:Quinone Oxidoreductase (Pqo) in Complex with Fad and Thiamine Diphosphate-Magnesium Ion
  16. 9ev6 (Mg: 4) - Corynebacterium Glutamicum Pyruvate:Quinone Oxidoreductase (Pqo), C- Terminal Truncated Construct
  17. 9evp (Mg: 6) - SV40 Ltag Assembly with Dna in Presence of Amppnp and MG2+.
  18. 9evv (Mg: 4) - HIS579LEU Variant of L-Arabinonate Dehydratase Co-Crystallized with 2- Oxobutyrate
    Other atoms: Fe (8);
  19. 9exs (Mg: 1) - Cryo-Em Structure of Ch. Thermophilum RAI1-RAT1 Dimer.
  20. 9ezl (Mg: 8) - Crystal Structure of Trehalose Synthase Mutant N253H From Deinococcus Radiodurans
    Other atoms: Ca (8);
  21. 9ezy (Mg: 1) - Vibrio Cholerae Ddmd-Ddme Holo Complex
  22. 9f07 (Mg: 2) - Tubulin:Stathmin:Darpin:Tau MTBR3 Complex
  23. 9f0h (Mg: 1) - Cryo-Em Structure of Carboxysomal Mini-Shell Icosahedral Assembly From Co-Expression of CSOS1C, CSOS4A, and CSOS2-C (T = 9)
  24. 9f28 (Mg: 2) - Crystal Structure of the Heterodimeric Primase From Pyrococcus Abyssi (Deletion of the Pril-Ctd Domain)
    Other atoms: Zn (1);
  25. 9f2r (Mg: 1) - Influenza A/H17N10 Polymerase with Bound Promoter and 3' End of Template in Active Site
  26. 9f37 (Mg: 2) - Replication-Like Initiation State of Influenza Polymerase with Gtp and Ctp at Respectively the -1 and +1 Positions (Strain A/Little Yellow- Shouldered Bat/Guatemala/060/2010/H17N10)
  27. 9f6c (Mg: 2) - Cardiac Myosin Motor Domain in the Pre-Powerstroke State Co- Crystallized with the Inhibitor Aficamten
    Other atoms: V (2);
  28. 9f6d (Mg: 1) - Human Dna Polymerase Epsilon Bound to Dna and Pcna (Open Conformation)
    Other atoms: Fe (4);
  29. 9fb8 (Mg: 1) - Xchem Refined PIF1-X0076 Complex
  30. 9fd2 (Mg: 1) - Structure of Pol II-Tc-Ner-STK19 Complex
    Other atoms: Zn (10);
  31. 9fe6 (Mg: 2) - Short-Chain Dehydrogenase/Reductase (Sdr) From Thermus Caliditerrae
  32. 9feb (Mg: 2) - Short-Chain Dehydrogenase/Reductase (Sdr) From Thermus Caliditerrae in Complex with Nadp
  33. 9fhl (Mg: 59) - High-Resolution Cryo-Em Structure of Saccharolobus Solfataricus 30S Ribosomal Subunit Bound to Mrna and Initiator Trna
    Other atoms: Zn (8);
  34. 9fi9 (Mg: 1) - Human Pif + Z48847594 (Occupancy 0.7)
    Other atoms: Na (1);
  35. 9fjm (Mg: 4) - Cryo-Em Structure of the Phalloidin-Bound Pointed End of the Actin Filament.
  36. 9fjo (Mg: 4) - Structure of the Undecorated Pointed End of F-Actin
  37. 9fju (Mg: 8) - Structure of the Dnase I- and Phalloidin-Bound Pointed End of F-Actin (Conformer 1)
  38. 9fjy (Mg: 8) - Structure of the Dnase I- and Phalloidin-Bound Pointed End of F-Actin (Conformer 2).
  39. 9fms (Mg: 1) - Cryo-Em Structure of S. Cerevisiae RAI1-RAT1-RTT103(252-273) Complex.
  40. 9fne (Mg: 1) - Mycobacterial Pafbc-Bound Transcription Initiation Complex
    Other atoms: Zn (2);
Page generated: Tue Feb 25 11:22:48 2025

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