Atomistry » Magnesium » PDB 7xd6-7xug
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Magnesium in PDB, part 498 (files: 19881-19920), PDB 7xd6-7xug

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Magnesium (Mg) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Magnesium atoms. PDB files: 19881-19920 (PDB 7xd6-7xug).
  1. 7xd6 (Mg: 28) - The Tet-S2 State with A Pseudoknotted 4-Way Junction of Wild-Type Tetrahymena Group I Intron with 30NT 3'/5'-Exon
  2. 7xd7 (Mg: 29) - The Pre-Tet-C State of Wild-Type Tetrahymena Group I Intron with 30NT 3'/5'-Exon
  3. 7xd9 (Mg: 12) - Crystal Structure of Dengue Virus Serotype 2 (DENV2) Polymerase Elongation Complex (Ctp Form)
    Other atoms: Zn (12);
  4. 7xdj (Mg: 3) - Crystal Structure of Actinomycin D-Echinomycin-D(Agcgcgt/Acgagct) Complex
    Other atoms: Cl (3); Br (4);
  5. 7xdv (Mg: 2) - Crystal Structure of A Receptor Like Kinase From Arabidopsis
  6. 7xdw (Mg: 1) - Crystal Structure of A Receptor Like Kinase From Arabidopsis
  7. 7xdy (Mg: 2) - Crystal Structure of A Receptor Like Kinase From Arabidopsis
  8. 7xgi (Mg: 1) - Comt Sah Mg Opicapone Complex
    Other atoms: Cl (2);
  9. 7xha (Mg: 1) - Structure of the Seca/Secye/Proompa(4Y)-Sfgfp Complex with Adp.BEF3-.
    Other atoms: F (3);
  10. 7xhb (Mg: 1) - Structure of the Seca/Secye/Proompa(4Y)-Sfgfp Complex with Adp
  11. 7xht (Mg: 2) - Structure of the Ogeuiscb-Omega Rna-Target Dna Complex
  12. 7xjb (Mg: 4) - Rat-Comt, Opicapone,Sam and Mg Bond
    Other atoms: Cl (13); Na (1);
  13. 7xjg (Mg: 2) - Cryo-Em Structure of E.Coli Retron-EC86 in Complex with Its Effector at 2.5 Angstrom
  14. 7xkj (Mg: 1) - Kras-G12D-Gdp-MRXT1133 By Fib-Microed
    Other atoms: F (3);
  15. 7xkp (Mg: 1) - F1 Domain of Epsilon C-Terminal Domain Deleted FOF1 From Bacillus PS3, STATE1,Unisite Condition
  16. 7xkq (Mg: 6) - F1 Domain of FOF1-Atpase with the Down Form of Epsilon Subunit From Bacillus PS3
  17. 7xkr (Mg: 5) - F1 Domain of FOF1-Atpase with the Up Form of Epsilon Subunit From Bacillus PS3
  18. 7xkw (Mg: 3) - The 3D Strcuture of (-)-Cyperene Synthase with Substrate Analogue Fspp
  19. 7xl3 (Mg: 1) - Cryo-Em Structure of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Rnap Sigmas Holoenzyme Complexes with Transcription Factor Suta (Open Lobe)
    Other atoms: Zn (2);
  20. 7xl4 (Mg: 1) - Cryo-Em Structure of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Rnap Sigmas Holoenzyme Complexes with Transcription Factor Suta (Closed Lobe)
    Other atoms: Zn (2);
  21. 7xld (Mg: 1) - Crystal Structure of Isdh Linker-NEAT3 Bound to A Nanobody (Vhh)
    Other atoms: Na (1);
  22. 7xm0 (Mg: 3) - Crystal Structure of SAU3AI-C and Dna Substrate Complex
  23. 7xma (Mg: 2) - Crystal Structure of Bovine Heart Cytochrome C Oxidase, Apo Structure with Dmso
    Other atoms: Fe (4); Zn (2); Cu (6); Na (2);
  24. 7xmb (Mg: 2) - Crystal Structure of Bovine Heart Cytochrome C Oxidase, the Structure Complexed with An Allosteric Inhibitor T113
    Other atoms: Na (2); Fe (4); Cu (6); Zn (2);
  25. 7xml (Mg: 2) - Cryo-Em Structure of Peip-BS_ENOLASE Complex
  26. 7xmu (Mg: 12) - E.Coli Phosphoribosylpyrophosphate (Prpp) Synthetase Type A Filament Bound with Adp, Pi and R5P
  27. 7xmv (Mg: 12) - E.Coli Phosphoribosylpyrophosphate (Prpp) Synthetase Type A(Amp/Adp) Filament Bound with Adp, Amp and R5P
  28. 7xqp (Mg: 271) - Psi-Lhci-Lhcii-LHCB9 Supercomplex of Physcomitrella Patens
    Other atoms: Fe (12);
  29. 7xqv (Mg: 1) - The Complex of Nanobody RH57 Binding to Gtp-Bound Rhoa Active Form
  30. 7xqx (Mg: 3) - Crystal Structure of T2R-Ttl-27A Complex
    Other atoms: Cl (3); Ca (2); F (2);
  31. 7xqy (Mg: 3) - Crystal Structure of T2R-Ttl-15 Complex
    Other atoms: Ca (2); Cl (3);
  32. 7xqz (Mg: 2) - Drimenyl Diphosphate Synthase D303A From Streptomyces Showdoensis in Complex with 2-Fluorofarnesyl Diphosphate (2F-Fpp) and MG2+
    Other atoms: F (1);
  33. 7xr0 (Mg: 3) - Crystal Structure of T2R-Ttl-27A Complex
    Other atoms: Ca (2); Cl (3); F (2);
  34. 7xr1 (Mg: 3) - Crystal Structure of T2R-Ttl-3A Complex
    Other atoms: Cl (3); Ca (2); F (2);
  35. 7xr7 (Mg: 2) - Drimenyl Diphosphate Synthase D303E From Streptomyces Showdoensis in Complex with Farnesyl Diphosphate (Fpp) and MG2+
  36. 7xra (Mg: 2) - Drimenyl Diphosphate Synthase D303A From Streptomyces Showdoensis in Complex with Farnesyl Diphosphate (Fpp) and MG2+
  37. 7xrd (Mg: 4) - Cryo-Em Structure of ARF6 Helical Polymer Assembled on Lipid Membrane
  38. 7xru (Mg: 2) - Drimenyl Diphosphate Synthase D303E From Streptomyces Showdoensis in Complex with 2-Fluorofarnesyl Diphosphate (2F-Fpp) and MG2+
    Other atoms: F (1);
  39. 7xue (Mg: 1) - Cryo-Em Structure of HK022 Putrna-Associated E.Coli Rna Polymerase Elongation Complex
    Other atoms: Zn (2);
  40. 7xug (Mg: 1) - Cryo-Em Structure of HK022 Putrna-Less E.Coli Rna Polymerase Elongation Complex
    Other atoms: Zn (2);
Page generated: Thu Dec 28 07:51:04 2023

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