Magnesium in PDB, part 560 (files: 22361-22400),
PDB 8tef-8tlk
Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Magnesium (Mg) in bioorganic
molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius
around Magnesium atoms. PDB files: 22361-22400 (PDB 8tef-8tlk).
8tef (Mg: 4) - Porx Primitive Monoclinic Crystal Form
8tez (Mg: 2) - Crystal Structure of Pyridoxal Reductase (Pdxi)in Complex with Nadph
8tf0 (Mg: 11) - Crystal Structure of GRP94 N-Terminal Domain Bound to the Purine Inhibitor Pu-H36
Other atoms:
Mn (1);
8tf1 (Mg: 1) - Crystal Structure of Pyridoxal Reductase (Pdxi)in Complex with Nadph and Pyridoxal
8tf9 (Mg: 3) - Diphosphoinositol Polyphosphate Phosphohydrolase 1 (DIPP1/NUDT3) in Complex with Myo-5-IP7, Produced Upon Myo-IP6 Phosphorylation By Tvi
Other atoms:
Cl (2);
F (1);
8tfa (Mg: 3) - Diphosphoinositol Polyphosphate Phosphohydrolase 1 (DIPP1/NUDT3) in Complex with Myo-5-Pp-IP4, Produced Upon Myo-(2OH)-IP5 Phosphorylation By Tvipk
Other atoms:
F (1);
Cl (1);
8tfw (Mg: 1) - Fphe, Staphylococcus Aureus Fluorophosphonate-Binding Serine Hydrolases E, Boronic Acid-Based Compound N34 Bound
Other atoms:
F (6);
8tgs (Mg: 1) - The Crystal Structure of the Post-Reactive State of Udp-Sugar Pyrophosphorylase From Leishmania Major in Complex with Product Udp- Glucose and By-Product Analog VO4 (Orthovanadate)
Other atoms:
V (1);
8thb (Mg: 3) - Structure of the Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Pcna Clamp Unloader ELG1-Rfc Complex
8thc (Mg: 3) - Structure of the Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Clamp Unloader ELG1-Rfc Bound to A Cracked Pcna
8thd (Mg: 3) - Structure of the Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Clamp Unloader ELG1-Rfc Bound to Pcna
8thx (Mg: 5) - Yeast Actin A167E Mutant Wt-Like
8thy (Mg: 5) - Yeast Actin A167E Mutant Rabbit-Like
8ti0 (Mg: 7) - Atp-1 State of BCS1 (Unsymmetrized)
8ti3 (Mg: 5) - Yeast Actin Wild Type
8tip (Mg: 5) - Isoreticular, Interpenetrating Co-Crystal of Replication Initiator Protein REPE54 and Symmetrical Expanded Duplex (31MER) Containing the Cognate REPE54 Sequence and An Additional G-C Rich Sequence with Blunt Ends and 5' Terminal Phosphates.
8tiq (Mg: 6) - Isoreticular, Interpenetrating Co-Crystal of Replication Initiator Protein REPE54 and Symmetrical Expanded Duplex (31MER) Containing the Cognate REPE54 Sequence and An Additional G-C Rich Sequence with Blunt Ends and 3' Terminal Phosphates.
8tir (Mg: 4) - Isoreticular, Interpenetrating Co-Crystal of Replication Initiator Protein REPE54 and Symmetrical Expanded Duplex (31MER) Containing the Cognate REPE54 Sequence and An Additional G-C Rich Sequence with 1 Sticky Bases and 5' Terminal Phosphates.
8tis (Mg: 4) - Isoreticular, Interpenetrating Co-Crystal of Replication Initiator Protein REPE54 and Symmetrical Expanded Duplex (31MER) Containing the Cognate REPE54 Sequence and An Additional G-C Rich Sequence with 1 Sticky Bases and 3' Terminal Phosphates.
8tit (Mg: 6) - Isoreticular, Interpenetrating Co-Crystal of Replication Initiator Protein REPE54 and Symmetrical Expanded Duplex (31MER) Containing the Cognate REPE54 Sequence and An Additional G-C Rich Sequence with 2 Sticky Base Overhangs and No Terminal Phosphates.
8tiu (Mg: 5) - Isoreticular, Interpenetrating Co-Crystal of Replication Initiator Protein REPE54 and Symmetrical Expanded Duplex (31MER) Containing the Cognate REPE54 Sequence and An Additional G-C Rich Sequence with 2 Sticky Base Overhangs and 3' Terminal Phosphates.
8tiv (Mg: 1) - Isoreticular, Interpenetrating Co-Crystal of Replication Initiator Protein REPE54 and Symmetrical Expanded Duplex (31MER) Containing the Cognate REPE54 Sequence and An Additional G-C Rich Sequence with Blunt Ends and 5' Terminal Phosphates and Crosslinked with Edc.
8tiw (Mg: 1) - Isoreticular, Interpenetrating Co-Crystal of Replication Initiator Protein REPE54 and Symmetrical Expanded Duplex (31MER) Containing the Cognate REPE54 Sequence and An Additional G-C Rich Sequence with Blunt Ends and 3' Terminal Phosphates and Crosslinked with Edc.
8tix (Mg: 4) - Isoreticular, Interpenetrating Co-Crystal of Replication Initiator Protein REPE54 and Symmetrical Expanded Duplex (31MER) Containing the Cognate REPE54 Sequence and An Additional G-C Rich Sequence with 1 Sticky Bases and 5' Terminal Phosphates and Crosslinked with Edc.
8tiy (Mg: 3) - Isoreticular, Interpenetrating Co-Crystal of Replication Initiator Protein REPE54 and Symmetrical Expanded Duplex (31MER) Containing the Cognate REPE54 Sequence and An Additional G-C Rich Sequence with 1 Sticky Bases and 3' Terminal Phosphates and Crosslinked with Edc.
8tiz (Mg: 4) - Isoreticular, Interpenetrating Co-Crystal of Replication Initiator Protein REPE54 and Symmetrical Expanded Duplex (31MER) Containing the Cognate REPE54 Sequence and An Additional G-C Rich Sequence with 2 Sticky Base Overhangs and No Terminal Phosphates and Crosslinked with Edc.
8tj0 (Mg: 1) - Isoreticular, Interpenetrating Co-Crystal of Replication Initiator Protein REPE54 and Symmetrical Expanded Duplex (31MER) Containing the Cognate REPE54 Sequence and An Additional G-C Rich Sequence with 2 Sticky Base Overhangs and 5' Terminal Phosphates and Crosslinked with Edc.
8tj1 (Mg: 1) - Isoreticular, Interpenetrating Co-Crystal of Replication Initiator Protein REPE54 and Symmetrical Expanded Duplex (31MER) Containing the Cognate REPE54 Sequence and An Additional G-C Rich Sequence with 2 Sticky Base Overhangs and 3' Terminal Phosphates and Crosslinked with Edc.
8tjq (Mg: 28) - Tetrahymena Ribozyme Scaffolded Zika Virus Xrrna
8tju (Mg: 27) - Tetrahymena Ribozyme Scaffolded Tabv Xrrna
8tjv (Mg: 30) - Tetrahymena Ribozyme Scaffolded Fluoride Riboswitch
Other atoms:
K (1);
F (1);
8tjx (Mg: 27) - Tetrahymena Ribozyme Cryo-Em Scaffold
8tkj (Mg: 8) - Cryo-Em Structure of Rna Device 43, Apo State
8tkk (Mg: 10) - Cryo-Em Structure of Rna Device 43 Truncation Mutant 3 (U100C), Apo State
8tle (Mg: 3) - CDCA7 (Mouse) Binds Non-B-Form 36-Mer Dna Oligo (Sg C2-Form 1)
Other atoms:
Zn (3);
8tlf (Mg: 4) - CDCA7 (Mouse) Binds Non-B-Form Dna Oligo 36-Mer (Sg C2-Form 2)
Other atoms:
Zn (6);
8tlg (Mg: 1) - CDCA7 (Mouse) Binds Non-B-Form 34-Mer Dna Oligo
Other atoms:
Zn (3);
8tlh (Mg: 2) - CDCA7 (Mouse) Binds Non-B-Form 32-Mer Dna Oligo
Other atoms:
Zn (6);
8tlj (Mg: 2) - CDCA7 (Mouse) Binds Non-B-Form 32-Mer Dna Oligo Containing A 5MC
Other atoms:
Zn (6);
8tlk (Mg: 1) - CDCA7 (Human) Binds Non-B-Form 32-Mer Dna Oligo Containing A 5MC
Other atoms:
Zn (6);
Page generated: Tue Feb 25 10:48:36 2025