Magnesium in PDB, part 48 (files: 1881-1920),
PDB 1x1t-1xfx
Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Magnesium (Mg) in bioorganic
molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius
around Magnesium atoms. PDB files: 1881-1920 (PDB 1x1t-1xfx).
1x1t (Mg: 1) - Crystal Structure of D-3-Hydroxybutyrate Dehydrogenase From Pseudomonas Fragi Complexed with Nad+
Other atoms:
As (1);
1x3s (Mg: 1) - Crystal Structure of Human RAB18 in Complex with Gppnhp
1x54 (Mg: 1) - Crystal Structure of Asparaginyl-Trna Synthetase From Pyrococcus Horikoshii Complexed with Asparaginyl-Adenylate
1x55 (Mg: 2) - Crystal Structure of Asparaginyl-Trna Synthetase From Pyrococcus Horikoshii Complexed with Asparaginyl-Adenylate Analogue
1x83 (Mg: 2) - Y104F Ipp Isomerase Reacted with (S)-Bromohydrine of Ipp
Other atoms:
Mn (2);
1x84 (Mg: 2) - Ipp Isomerase (Wt) Reacted with (S)-Bromohydrine of Ipp
Other atoms:
Br (1);
Mn (2);
1x88 (Mg: 2) - Human EG5 Motor Domain Bound to Mg-Adp and Monastrol
1x8b (Mg: 2) - Structure of Human WEE1A Kinase: Kinase Domain Complexed with Inhibitor PD0407824
1x8w (Mg: 38) - Structure of the Tetrahymena Ribozyme: Base Triple Sandwich and Metal Ion at the Active Site
1x9m (Mg: 1) - T7 Dna Polymerase in Complex with An N-2- Acetylaminofluorene-Adducted Dna
1x9s (Mg: 1) - T7 Dna Polymerase in Complex with A Primer/Template Dna Containing A Disordered N-2 Aminofluorene on the Template, Crystallized with Dideoxy-Ctp As the Incoming Nucleotide.
1x9w (Mg: 1) - T7 Dna Polymerase in Complex with A Primer/Template Dna Containing A Disordered N-2 Aminofluorene on the Template, Crystallized with Dideoxy-Atp As the Incoming Nucleotide.
1xbt (Mg: 8) - Crystal Structure of Human Thymidine Kinase 1
Other atoms:
Zn (8);
1xbv (Mg: 2) - Crystal Structure of 3-Keto-L-Gulonate 6-Phosphate Decarboxylase with Bound D-Ribulose 5-Phosphate
1xbx (Mg: 2) - Structure of 3-Keto-L-Gulonate 6-Phosphate Decarboxylase E112D/R139V/T169A Mutant with Bound D-Ribulose 5-Phosphate
1xby (Mg: 2) - Structure of 3-Keto-L-Gulonate 6-Phosphate Decarboxylase E112D/T169A Mutant with Bound D-Ribulose 5-Phosphate
1xbz (Mg: 2) - Crystal Structure of 3-Keto-L-Gulonate 6-Phosphate Decarboxylase E112D/R139V/T169A Mutant with Bound L- Xylulose 5-Phosphate
1xc9 (Mg: 1) - Structure of A High-Fidelity Polymerase Bound to A Benzo[A]Pyrene Adduct That Blocks Replication
1xcm (Mg: 2) - Crystal Structure of the Gppnhp-Bound H-Ras G60A Mutant
1xcp (Mg: 4) - Crystal Structure of the Nitrogenase Fe Protein PHE135TRP with Mgadp Bound
Other atoms:
Fe (8);
1xd2 (Mg: 1) - Crystal Structure of A Ternary Ras:Sos:Ras*Gdp Complex
1xd3 (Mg: 10) - Crystal Structure of UCHL3-Ubvme Complex
1xd9 (Mg: 2) - Crystal Structure of the Nitrogenase Fe Protein ASP39ASN with Mgadp Bound
Other atoms:
Fe (4);
1xdd (Mg: 2) - X-Ray Structure of Lfa-1 I-Domain in Complex with LFA703 at 2.2A Resolution
1xdg (Mg: 2) - X-Ray Structure of Lfa-1 I-Domain in Complex with LFA878 at 2.1A Resolution
1xdn (Mg: 1) - High Resolution Crystal Structure of An Editosome Enzyme From Trypanosoma Brucei: Rna Editing Ligase 1
1xdp (Mg: 4) - Crystal Structure of the E.Coli Polyphosphate Kinase in Complex with Amppnp
1xe4 (Mg: 1) - Crystal Structure of Weissella Viridescens Femx (K36M) Mutant
1xed (Mg: 2) - Crystal Structure of A Ligand-Binding Domain of the Human Polymeric Ig Receptor, Pigr
1xef (Mg: 4) - Crystal Structure of the Atp/MG2+ Bound Composite Dimer of Hlyb-Nbd
1xex (Mg: 1) - Structural Biochemistry of Atp-Driven Dimerization and Dna Stimulated Activation of Smc Atpases.
1xf6 (Mg: 2) - High Resolution Crystal Structure of Phycoerythrin 545 From the Marine Cryptophyte Rhodomonas CS24
Other atoms:
Cl (1);
1xf8 (Mg: 1) - Crystal Structure of Weissella Viridescens Femx (Y254F) Mutant
1xf9 (Mg: 7) - Structure of NBD1 From Murine Cftr- F508S Mutant
1xfa (Mg: 2) - Structure of NBD1 From Murine Cftr- F508R Mutant
Other atoms:
Cl (2);
1xfi (Mg: 2) - X-Ray Structure of Gene Product From Arabidopsis Thaliana AT2G17340
1xfu (Mg: 6) - Crystal Structure of Anthrax Edema Factor (Ef) Truncation Mutant, Ef-Delta 64 in Complex with Calmodulin
Other atoms:
Ca (18);
1xfv (Mg: 12) - Crystal Structure of Anthrax Edema Factor (Ef) in Complex with Calmodulin and 3' Deoxy-Atp
Other atoms:
Ca (18);
1xfw (Mg: 6) - Crystal Structure of Anthrax Edema Factor (Ef) in Complex with Calmodulin and 3'5' Cyclic Amp (Camp)
Other atoms:
Ca (18);
1xfx (Mg: 6) - Crystal Structure of Anthrax Edema Factor (Ef) in Complex with Calmodulin in the Presence of 10 Millimolar Exogenously Added Calcium Chloride
Other atoms:
Ca (24);
Page generated: Sat Feb 15 17:26:10 2025