Magnesium in PDB, part 521 (files: 20801-20840),
PDB 8e1h-8ea4
Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Magnesium (Mg) in bioorganic
molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius
around Magnesium atoms. PDB files: 20801-20840 (PDB 8e1h-8ea4).
8e1h (Mg: 3) - ASP1 Kinase in Complex with Adp Mg 5-IP7
8e1i (Mg: 2) - ASP1 Kinase in Complex with Atp Mg 5-IP7
8e1t (Mg: 1) - ASP1 Kinase in Complex with Adpnp Mg IP7
8e1u (Mg: 8) - Propionibacterium Freudenreichii Ppi-Dependent Pepck in Complex with Malate
8e1v (Mg: 1) - ASP1 Kinase in Complex with Adpnp Mg IP6
8e23 (Mg: 2) - Human Dna Polymerase Theta in Complex with Allosteric Inhibitor
Other atoms:
F (3);
8e24 (Mg: 2) - Human Dna Polymerase Theta in Complex with Allosteric Inhibitor
Other atoms:
F (12);
8e2l (Mg: 5) - Structure of Lates Calcarifer Twinkle Helicase with Atp and Dna
8e3f (Mg: 1) - Escherichia Coli Rho-Dependent Transcription Pre-Termination Complex Containing 18 Nt Long Rna Spacer, Mg-Adp-BEF3, and Nusg; Tec Part
Other atoms:
Zn (2);
8e3h (Mg: 6) - Escherichia Coli Rho-Dependent Transcription Pre-Termination Complex Containing 18 Nt Long Rna Spacer, Mg-Adp-BEF3, and Nusg; Rho Hexamer Part
Other atoms:
F (18);
8e5d (Mg: 1) - Crystal Structure of Double-Stranded Dna Deaminase Toxin Ddda in Complex with Dna with the Target Cytosine Parked in the Major Groove
Other atoms:
Zn (1);
8e5e (Mg: 1) - Crystal Structure of Double-Stranded Dna Deaminase Toxin Ddda in Complex with Dna with the Target Cytosine Flipped Into the Active Site
Other atoms:
Zn (1);
8e5k (Mg: 1) - Escherichia Coli Rho-Dependent Transcription Pre-Termination Complex Containing 21 Nt Long Rna Spacer, Mg-Adp-BEF3, and Nusg; Tec Part
Other atoms:
Zn (2);
8e5l (Mg: 6) - Escherichia Coli Rho-Dependent Transcription Pre-Termination Complex Containing 21 Nt Long Rna Spacer, Mg-Adp-BEF3, and Nusg; Rho Hexamer Part
Other atoms:
F (18);
8e5o (Mg: 1) - Escherichia Coli Rho-Dependent Transcription Pre-Termination Complex Containing 24 Nt Long Rna Spacer, Mg-Adp-BEF3, and Nusg; Tec Part
Other atoms:
Zn (2);
8e5p (Mg: 6) - Escherichia Coli Rho-Dependent Transcription Pre-Termination Complex Containing 24 Nt Long Rna Spacer, Mg-Adp-BEF3, and Nusg; Rho Hexamer Part
Other atoms:
F (18);
8e5t (Mg: 33) - Yeast Co-Transcriptional NOC1-NOC2 Rnp Assembly Checkpoint Intermediate
Other atoms:
Zn (1);
8e6w (Mg: 6) - Escherichia Coli Rho-Dependent Transcription Pre-Termination Complex Containing 18 Nt Long Rna Spacer, Lambda-TR1 Rut Rna, Mg-Adp-BEF3, and Nusg; Rho Part
Other atoms:
F (18);
8e6x (Mg: 1) - Escherichia Coli Rho-Dependent Transcription Pre-Termination Complex Containing 18 Nt Long Rna Spacer, Lambda-TR1 Rut Rna, Mg-Adp-BEF3, and Nusg; Tec Part
Other atoms:
Zn (2);
8e6z (Mg: 1) - Escherichia Coli Rho-Dependent Transcription Pre-Termination Complex Containing 18 Nt Long Rna Spacer, DC75 Rut Mimic Rna, Mg-Adp-BEF3, and Nusg; Tec Part
Other atoms:
Zn (2);
8e70 (Mg: 6) - Escherichia Coli Rho-Dependent Transcription Pre-Termination Complex Containing 18 Nt Long Rna Spacer, DC75 Rut Mimic Rna, Mg-Adp-BEF3, and Nusg; Rho Hexamer Part
Other atoms:
F (18);
8e74 (Mg: 1) - Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Rnap Paused Elongation Complex with Nusg Transcription Factor
Other atoms:
Zn (2);
8e79 (Mg: 1) - Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Rnap Paused Elongation Complex with Escherichia Coli Nusg Transcription Factor
Other atoms:
Zn (2);
8e7q (Mg: 2) - Crystal Structure of Fosb From Bacillus Cereus with Zinc and 2- Phosphonopropionic Acid
Other atoms:
Zn (2);
8e7r (Mg: 2) - Crystal Structure of Fosb From Bacillus Cereus with Zinc and Phosphonoacetate
Other atoms:
Zn (2);
8e7v (Mg: 3) - Cryo-Em Structure of Substrate-Free Dnclpx.Clpp From Singly Capped Particles
8e82 (Mg: 1) - Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Rnap Elongation Complex with Nusg Transcription Factor
Other atoms:
Zn (2);
8e87 (Mg: 2) - Human Dna Polymerase Eta-Dna-Ra-Ended Primer-Dgmpnpp Ternary Mismatch Complex with MG2+
8e88 (Mg: 2) - Human Dna Polymerase Eta-Dna-Ru-Ended Primer-Dgmpnpp Ternary Mismatch Complex with MG2+
8e8j (Mg: 2) - Human Dna Polymerase Eta-Dna-Rg-Ended Primer-Dgmpnpp Ternary Mismatch Complex with MG2+
8e8k (Mg: 2) - Human Dna Polymerase Eta-Dna-Rc-Ended Primer-Dgmpnpp Ternary Mismatch Complex with MG2+
8e8m (Mg: 1) - Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Rnap Paused Elongation Complex
Other atoms:
Zn (2);
8e8q (Mg: 3) - Cryo-Em Structure of Substrate-Free Dnclpx.Clpp
8e8u (Mg: 2) - Structure of the Lor Domain of Human Aass
8e91 (Mg: 3) - Cryo-Em Structure of Substrate-Free Clpx.Clpp
8e95 (Mg: 1) - Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Rnap Elongation Complex
Other atoms:
Zn (2);
8e9a (Mg: 6) - Crystal Structure of Asfvpolx in Complex with 10-23 Dnazyme and Mg
Other atoms:
Na (12);
8e9b (Mg: 10) - Cryo-Em Structure of S. Pombe ARP2/3 Complex in the Branch Junction
8ea3 (Mg: 14) - V-K Cast Transpososome From Scytonema Hofmanni, Major Configuration
8ea4 (Mg: 15) - V-K Cast Transpososome From Scytonema Hofmanni, Minor Configuration
Page generated: Tue Feb 25 10:42:34 2025