Magnesium in PDB, part 62 (files: 2441-2480),
PDB 2bt6-2c3y
Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Magnesium (Mg) in bioorganic
molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius
around Magnesium atoms. PDB files: 2441-2480 (PDB 2bt6-2c3y).
2bt6 (Mg: 1) - Ru(Bpy)2(Mbpy)-Modified Bovine Adrenodoxin
Other atoms:
Ru (4);
Fe (4);
2btd (Mg: 2) - Crystal Structure of Dhal From E. Coli
2bu2 (Mg: 1) - Crystal Structures of Human Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Kinase 2 Containing Physiological and Synthetic Ligands
Other atoms:
F (3);
2bu8 (Mg: 1) - Crystal Structures of Human Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Kinase 2 Containing Physiological and Synthetic Ligands
Other atoms:
Cl (2);
2buf (Mg: 8) - Arginine Feed-Back Inhibitable Acetylglutamate Kinase
Other atoms:
Cl (6);
2bup (Mg: 1) - T13G Mutant of the Atpase Fragment of Bovine HSC70
Other atoms:
K (2);
Cl (2);
2bv3 (Mg: 1) - Crystal Structure of A Mutant Elongation Factor G Trapped with A Gtp Analogue
2bvc (Mg: 18) - Crystal Structure of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Glutamine Synthetase in Complex with A Transition State Mimic
Other atoms:
Cl (6);
2bvn (Mg: 2) - E. Coli Ef-Tu:Gdpnp in Complex with the Antibiotic Enacyloxin Iia
Other atoms:
Cl (4);
2bw7 (Mg: 4) - A Novel Mechanism For Adenylyl Cyclase Inhibition From the Crystal Structure of Its Complex with Catechol Estrogen
Other atoms:
Ca (4);
2bwt (Mg: 1) - ASP260ALA Escherichia Coli Aminopeptidase P
Other atoms:
Mn (1);
2bwu (Mg: 1) - ASP271ALA Escherichia Coli Aminopeptidase P
Other atoms:
Na (1);
2bww (Mg: 1) - HIS350ALA Escherichia Coli Aminopeptidase P
Other atoms:
Mn (2);
2bwy (Mg: 1) - GLU383ALA Escherichia Coli Aminopeptidase P
Other atoms:
Mn (2);
2bx2 (Mg: 2) - Catalytic Domain of E. Coli Rnase E
Other atoms:
Zn (1);
2bx7 (Mg: 2) - Crystal Structure of L. Lactis Dihydroorotate Dehydrogense A in Complex with 3,5-Dihydroxybenzoate
2bxy (Mg: 1) - Is Radiation Damage Dependent on the Dose-Rate Used During Macromolecular Crystallography Data Collection
2bxz (Mg: 1) - Is Radiation Damage Dependent on the Dose-Rate Used During Macromolecular Crystallography Data Collection
2by0 (Mg: 1) - Is Radiation Damage Dependent on the Dose-Rate Used During Macromolecular Crystallography Data Collection
2by1 (Mg: 1) - Is Radiation Damage Dependent on the Dose-Rate Used During Macromolecular Crystallography Data Collection
2by2 (Mg: 1) - Is Radiation Damage Dependent on the Dose-Rate Used During Macromolecular Crystallography Data Collection
2by3 (Mg: 1) - Is Radiation Damage Dependent on the Dose-Rate Used During Macromolecular Crystallography Data Collection
2by4 (Mg: 2) - Sr Ca(2+)-Atpase in the HNE2 State Complexed with the Thapsigargin Derivative Boc-12ADT.
Other atoms:
Na (1);
2bz0 (Mg: 1) - Crystal Structure of E. Coli Gtp Cyclohydrolase II in Complex with Gtp Analogue, Gmpcpp, and Zinc
Other atoms:
Zn (2);
2c0b (Mg: 2) - Catalytic Domain of E. Coli Rnase E in Complex with 13-Mer Rna
Other atoms:
Zn (1);
2c13 (Mg: 2) - 5-Hydroxy-Levulinic Acid Bound to Porphobilinogen Synthase From Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
Other atoms:
K (2);
Cl (2);
2c14 (Mg: 2) - 5-(4-Carboxy-2-Oxo-Butylamino)-4-Oxo-Pentanoic Acid Acid Bound to Porphobilinogen Synthase From Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
2c15 (Mg: 2) - 5-(4-Carboxy-2-Oxo-Butoxy)-4-Oxo-Pentanoic Acid Acid Bound to Porphobilinogen Synthase From Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
2c16 (Mg: 2) - 5-(4-Carboxy-2-Oxo-Butane-1-Sulfinyl)-4-Oxo-Pentanoic Acid Acid Bound to Porphobilinogen Synthase From Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
Other atoms:
Cl (1);
2c18 (Mg: 7) - 5-(4-Carboxy-2-Oxo-Butane-1-Sulfonyl)-4-Oxo-Pentanoic Acid Bound to Porphobilinogen Synthase From Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
Other atoms:
Cl (2);
Na (2);
2c19 (Mg: 2) - 5-(4-Carboxy-2-Oxo-Butylsulfanyl)-4-Oxo-Pentanoic Acid Acid Bound to Porphobilinogen Synthase From Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
Other atoms:
Na (2);
2c1h (Mg: 2) - The X-Ray Structure of Chlorobium Vibrioforme 5- Aminolaevulinic Acid Dehydratase Complexed with A Diacid Inhibitor
2c2h (Mg: 5) - Crystal Structure of the Human RAC3 in Complex with Gdp
Other atoms:
Ca (12);
2c2j (Mg: 1) - Crystal Structure of the DPS92 From Deinococcus Radiodurans
Other atoms:
Fe (1);
2c31 (Mg: 2) - Crystal Structure of Oxalyl-Coa Decarboxylase in Complex with the Cofactor Derivative Thiamin-2-Thiazolone Diphosphate and Adenosine Diphosphate
2c3m (Mg: 2) - Crystal Structure of Pyruvate-Ferredoxin Oxidoreductase From Desulfovibrio Africanus
Other atoms:
Fe (24);
Cl (2);
Ca (2);
2c3o (Mg: 2) - Crystal Structure of the Free Radical Intermediate of Pyruvate:Ferredoxin Oxidoreductase From Desulfovibrio Africanus
Other atoms:
Fe (24);
Ca (2);
2c3p (Mg: 2) - Crystal Structure of the Free Radical Intermediate of Pyruvate:Ferredoxin Oxidoreductase From Desulfovibrio Africanus
Other atoms:
Fe (24);
Ca (2);
2c3u (Mg: 2) - Crystal Structure of Pyruvate-Ferredoxin Oxidoreductase From Desulfovibrio Africanus, Oxygen Inhibited Form
Other atoms:
Fe (24);
Ca (2);
2c3y (Mg: 2) - Crystal Structure of the Radical Form of Pyruvate:Ferredoxin Oxidoreductase From Desulfovibrio Africanus
Other atoms:
Fe (24);
Ca (2);
Page generated: Sat Feb 15 17:26:42 2025