Atomistry » Magnesium » PDB 8rhq-8roj
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Magnesium in PDB, part 553 (files: 22081-22120), PDB 8rhq-8roj

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Magnesium (Mg) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Magnesium atoms. PDB files: 22081-22120 (PDB 8rhq-8roj).
  1. 8rhq (Mg: 1) - Crystal Structure of Hla-A*11:01 in Complex with Svlndifsrl, An 10-Mer Epitope From Sars-Cov-2 Spike (S975-984)
    Other atoms: Na (3); Cl (3);
  2. 8ri1 (Mg: 2) - Bmra E504-100UMATPMG
  3. 8ri3 (Mg: 1) - Crystal Structure of Transplatin/B-Dna Adduct Obtained Upon 7 Days of Soaking
    Other atoms: Pt (3); Cl (1);
  4. 8ri5 (Mg: 1) - Crystal Structure of Transplatin/B-Dna Adduct Obtained Upon 48 H of Soaking
    Other atoms: Pt (1);
  5. 8ri6 (Mg: 8) - Beta-Galactosidase (Lacz) Purified From E. Coli.
    Other atoms: Na (8);
  6. 8rik (Mg: 1) - Microtubule-Associated Kinesin-1 Tail Complex Bound to Adp, Single- Headed State
  7. 8rix (Mg: 1) - Crystal Structure of Chloroplast Ftsy From Arabidopsis Thaliana in Complex with the Alarmone Ppgpp
  8. 8riz (Mg: 2) - Microtubule-Associated Kinesin-1 Tail Complex Bound to Adp, Two-Headed State
  9. 8rj4 (Mg: 2) - E. Coli Adenylate Kinase in Complex with Two Adp Molecules and MG2+ As A Result of Enzymatic AP4A Hydrolysis
    Other atoms: Cl (2);
  10. 8rj6 (Mg: 2) - E. Coli Adenylate Kinase in Complex with Atp and Amp and MG2+ As A Result of Enzymatic AP4A Hydrolysis.
  11. 8rjf (Mg: 6) - Tada/Cpaf with Adp
  12. 8rjw (Mg: 5) - Human RAD52 Open Ring - Ssdna Complex
  13. 8rkd (Mg: 2) - Tada/Cpaf with Amppnp
  14. 8rkt (Mg: 1) - Conformational Landscape of the Type V-K Crispr-Associated Transposonintegration Assembly Cast V-K CAS12K Domain Local- Refinement Map
    Other atoms: Zn (2);
  15. 8rku (Mg: 14) - Conformational Landscape of the Type V-K Crispr-Associated Transposonintegration Assembly Cast V-K Tnsc Domain Local-Refinement Map
  16. 8rkv (Mg: 2) - Conformational Landscape of the Type V-K Crispr-Associated Transposonintegration Assembly Cast V-K Tnsb Domain Local-Refinement Map
  17. 8rlk (Mg: 3) - Structure of the Apo Form of Pib-1 in An Orthorombic Space Group
    Other atoms: Zn (7);
  18. 8rmh (Mg: 1) - Crystal Structure of Parallel G-Quadruplex Containing T-Tetrads and Tg-Octaplet
    Other atoms: Na (2); K (11);
  19. 8rmp (Mg: 1) - Influenza Polymerase A/H7N9-4M (Endo(R) | CORE1)
  20. 8rmq (Mg: 2) - Influenza Polymerase A/H7N9-4M (Endo(R) | CORE2)
  21. 8rmr (Mg: 1) - Influenza Polymerase A/H7N9-4M Replication Complex, An Asymmetric Polymerase Dimer Bound to Human ANP32A
  22. 8rms (Mg: 1) - Influenza Polymerase A/H7N9-4M Replicase Minus 627(R) (From "Influenza Polymerase A/H7N9-4M Replication Complex" | Local Refinement)
  23. 8rn3 (Mg: 3) - Pseudo-Symmetrical Influenza B Polymerase Apo-Dimer, Encapsidase Moiety (From "Influenza B Polymerase Pseudo-Symmetrical Dimer" | Local Refinement)
  24. 8rn4 (Mg: 2) - Pseudo-Symmetrical Influenza B Polymerase Apo-Dimer, Endo(T) Moiety (From "Influenza B Polymerase Pseudo-Symmetrical Dimer" | Local Refinement)
  25. 8rn5 (Mg: 1) - Pseudo-Symmetrical Influenza B Polymerase Apo-Dimer, Endo(R) Moiety (From "Influenza B Polymerase Pseudo-Symmetrical Dimer" | Local Refinement)
  26. 8rn7 (Mg: 1) - Pseudo-Symmetrical Influenza B Polymerase Apo-Dimer, Core-Only Moeity (From "Influenza B Polymerase Pseudo-Symmetrical Dimer" | Local Refinement)
  27. 8rn8 (Mg: 5) - Influenza B Polymerase Pseudo-Symmetrical Apo-Dimer (Flupol(E) |Flupol(S))
  28. 8rng (Mg: 4) - Crystal Structure of Hla B*18:01 in Complex with Tevetyvl, An 8-Mer Epitope From Influenza A
  29. 8rnj (Mg: 2) - Unspecific Peroxygenase From Marasmius Wettsteinii (Mweupo-1)
    Other atoms: Fe (2);
  30. 8rnk (Mg: 2) - Unspecific Peroxygenase From Marasmius Wettsteinii (Mweupo-1) in Complex with Myristic Acid
    Other atoms: Fe (2);
  31. 8rnl (Mg: 2) - Unspecific Peroxygenase From Marasmius Wettsteinii (Mweupo-1) in Complex with Lauric Acid
    Other atoms: Fe (2);
  32. 8rnm (Mg: 2) - Unspecific Peroxygenase From Marasmius Wettsteinii (Mweupo-1) in Complex with Testosterone
    Other atoms: Fe (2);
  33. 8rnn (Mg: 2) - Unspecific Peroxygenase From Marasmius Wettsteinii (Mweupo-1) in Complex with Prednisone
    Other atoms: Fe (2);
  34. 8rnp (Mg: 2) - Unspecific Peroxygenase From Marasmius Wettsteinii (Mweupo-1) in Complex with R-Limonene
    Other atoms: Fe (2);
  35. 8rnq (Mg: 2) - Unspecific Peroxygenase From Marasmius Wettsteinii (Mweupo-1) in Complex with Dodecane
    Other atoms: Fe (2);
  36. 8rnr (Mg: 2) - Unspecific Peroxygenase From Marasmius Wettsteinii (Mweupo-1) in Complex with Tetradecane
    Other atoms: Fe (2);
  37. 8rob (Mg: 1) - Human Cohesin SMC1A-Hd(Longcc-Eq)/RAD21-C Complex - Atpgs-Mg-Bound Conformation
  38. 8rof (Mg: 1) - Human Cohesin SMC1A-Hd(Shortcc-Eq)/RAD21-C Complex - Adp-Mg-Bound Conformation
  39. 8rog (Mg: 1) - Human Cohesin SMC1A-Hd(Shortcc-Eq)/RAD21-C Complex - Atpgs-Mg-Bound Conformation
  40. 8roj (Mg: 1) - Human Cohesin SMC3-Hd/RAD21-C Complex - Adp-Mg-Bound Conformation
Page generated: Tue Feb 25 10:44:21 2025

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